Sometimes there are Oldies But Goodies!

The movie ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ released in 2018 

reminded many people of the group ‘Queen’ and ‘Freddie Mercury’, 

or it became an opportunity for those who didn’t know ‘Queen’ and ‘Freddie Mercury’ to learn about them. 

The “Oldies But Goodies” series is a work that brings up memories that come to mind in my daily life (movies, music, TV shows I liked, things I owned, logos and symbols of brands that were popular at the time, etc.) and materials that I didn’t know well, such as famous paintings or songs that I had heard of at least once, 

and transferred the results of my exploration onto canvas. 

I want to reminisce and communicate with the audience through these materials that are familiar to the public, and I want to continuously create my own world of art. 

Sometimes there are Oldies But Goodies!


2018년에 개봉했던
영화 보헤미안 랩소디는 많은 사람들에게

그룹 ‘Queen’‘Freddie Mercury’를 추억하게 하고,

혹은 ‘Queen’‘Freddie Mercury’를 잘 알지 못했던 사람들에게는

그들을 알리는 계기가 되었다


“Oldies But Goodies”시리즈는 일상생활 속에서 떠오르는 저의

추억들 (좋아했던 영화, 음악, TV프로그램, 소유했던

당시 유행했던 브랜드의 로고와 기호등)
잘 알지 못했던,

하지만 한번쯤 들어봤던 명화나 명곡 같은 소재들을 꺼내어

탐닉하면서 나온 결과물들을 캔버스에 옮긴 작업이다.


나는 대중들에게 익숙한 이러한 소재들을 통해 관객들과 함께 추억하고

소통하길 원하며, 끊임없이
저의 작품 세계를 만들어 가기를 원힌다.